Lead Logistics Provider

Lead Logistics Provider

Companies often work with a large number of transport service providers, which usually results in a high operational and administrative effort. They place transport orders with different service providers, have various interfaces with a high coordination and communication effort and are confronted with a heterogeneous quotation and price structure. Moreover, there is a lack of  quality standards, stringent KPI management and transparency regarding current prices on the market. The solution: a lead logistics provider that offers comprehensive solutions for the supply chain and takes over control and coordination tasks.

As a Transport Managed Service Provider, we combine the expertise of our in-house consulting group Chaindson with the operational capabilities of our transportation division.

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Your Advantages:

symbiosis between an "external consultant", Chaindson, and an experienced transport service provider, ELSEN

cost security through price guarantee plus credit from WIN-WIN-Share

ensuring the best market price under strict qualitative specifications and 100% transparency of the service providers used

identification of the real transport production costs of a haulage contractor (level 0) without involvement of a freight forwarder who in turn adds a margin

one-shop-stop strategy:
     – one partner bundles all necessary processes
     – resource-saving and highly efficient