Koblenz location

Logistics Center Koblenz

Rely on ELSEN as your logistics service provider.

We have been operating our logistics center in the middle of the industrial area in Koblenz for 13 years now. On a site area of 16,000 m², we handle all intralogistic tasks from goods receipt, storage and picking to quality inspection, intralogistic transport and packaging management for our customers. At the Koblenz site, best-practice processes are defined and lean standards established, with a view to ultimately rolling these out to all other logistics centers.

Would you like to put your logistics in the hands of experts or are you looking for free warehouse space near your production site?

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Round trip through the warehouse

The Koblenz site at a glance

Warehouse area of


Storage racks


Tugger trains to the factory

78 per day


1.300 per day

Production supply

every 15 minutes

Truck in goods receipt

25 per day

Logistics customers in the Koblenz area (excerpt)

Special features at the site

Incoming goods

The systemic booking of the delivered goods in the customer system or in the ELSEN Warehouse Management System is done with specially developed mobile scanning stations. These enable direct booking in at the goods by means of scanners, without the need for manual booking at a central workstation in the goods receiving department.

Zero stock indicator

To avoid zero stock levels in the warehouse, we operate a proactive early warning system at the Koblenz site as a communication tool between the customer and the goods receiving department. Here, data regarding delivery date and urgency are transmitted directly from the material planner to the operative goods receiving department in real time. This ensures that critical materials are booked in and forwarded for further use without any loss of time.

Delivery notification

Time slots are reserved in our logistics center for deliveries of goods and recorded in an internal database. In this way, "peaks" can be avoided and truck idle times can be reduced. In order to provide the employees in the incoming goods department with an overall view, the application is additionally visualized via a display board.

Produktionsversorgung mit Routenzug

Seit August 2019 nutzen wir das Routenzugprinzip für die Produktionsversorgung des nahegelegenen Werks am Standort unseres Kunden. Mit 78 Routenzugfahrten pro Tag wickeln wir durchschnittlich 1.300 Bestellungen ab. Der Zug fährt im 15-Minuten-Takt zwischen unserem Logistikzentrum und der Produktion und kann pro Tour 8 Paletten aufnehmen.
Bei der Routenzuglösung mit einer Gesamtlänge von ca. 20m handelt es sich um eine Spezialanfertigung, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Jungheinrich für unseren Kunden entwickelt wurde.

Quality testing and control

During quality inspections, components are checked for external defect characteristics and condition. Here, the inspection spectrum ranges from air-tightness tests (leakage tests) and visual inspections of larger supplier parts to microscopic inspections of very small parts for μ-size. To ensure consistent inspection quality with rotating personnel, detailed and illustrated inspection instructions are prepared, which we use to train employees accordingly for the inspection job. Quality inspection is just one of various value-added services that we offer our customers outside of classic intralogistics.

Container management & disposition

Within the scope of container development, we develop and implement customer-specific container variants in cooperation with packaging suppliers.
At our logistics site in Koblenz, we manage a total of approximately 2,500 containers, consisting of 100 different container types. We monitor and schedule container inventory between our customer's production and a total of 17 customer production sites across Europe.

Value Added Services

In our logistics center, we offer our customers a wide range of packaging and inspection services as a value-added service. At the Koblenz site, for example, we are able to carry out piece-precise packing. Other value-added services include assembly activities, sequencing or quality inspections.

Lean management: an excerpt of our lean standards

Info Cube

Our Info Cube serves as an information and communication tool at the Koblenz site: In addition to the most important key figures, information and quality topics, damage and complaints are also indicated here. The cube is also used twice a week during shift handovers to ensure a flow of information within the team.

Location board

At each ELSEN site, certificates, organizational charts, orders and assignments are collected and visualized on a "site board". Occupational health and safety laws can also be found here to ensure compliance with legal regulations and process reliability.

FFZ board

The FFZ boards at each location are also considered to be an ELSEN standard. These are used to display all industrial trucks and their status. In this way, the status of all FFZ can be seen at a glance, which is particularly helpful in a 3-shift operation.

Other logistics centers


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Learn more

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Are you looking for a logistics hub or a distribution warehouse to distribute your goods? Would you like to place parts of your logistics, such as incoming goods, shipping or more, in the hands of experts? Or would you like to have various value-added services, such as display construction, sequencing & Co. taken over by a service provider? Then our logistics team in the south of Germany is the right place for you.

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Logistics center Ransbach-Baumbach

The logistics center with a total area of 14,600m² has 12,500 rack spaces, 14 ramps and an automated high-bay warehouse, making it our largest logistics location in the region. Among other things, due to the excellent connection to the A3 freeway, the location is very attractive for companies from the Westerwald district.

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Logistics Center Nuremberg

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Learn more